Another one of Alex's crazy ideas
Those who know me well know that I'm always thinking of business ideas/inventions or looking for a deal somewhere. I was also part of the Ottawa Inventors Association, but I left that org because it was nothing but a gathering of mostly wispy-haired geezers *talking* about invention (either their ideas or others) but not really doing anything about it.
This, my friends, is the plight of some inventors. You come up with an idea, you draw it out on a napkin, you share it with a trusted few (because you don't want people stealing your million dollar idea), you think about it some more, put it aside because you lack the resources (either financial or operational), it gets swept under the mind's carpet for a few years until one day, you open a catalogue and see your invention in technicolor right there in front of your eyes.
This has happened to me countless times. This year alone I've seen three come to life: 1) a child's mini Sea-Doo that can be used in a pool (my design was better as it was human-powered), 2) a special mitt for dog owners to pick up after their pets (my design was better, and I was going to call it the Poom-It), and 3) a show based on inventors competing for a final grand prize as well as recognition as a succesful inventor (my concept was better and included Canadians).
Ask Claudette about my reaction every time or ask to see my collection of inventions I purchased out of punishment for not coming out with them first - no, I don't have a Billy the Singing Bass.
Technically, I should be writing this blog from my mansion in theMediterraneann somewhere, but sadly, that's not the case.
My latest business idea involves renting out this huge water play structure I purchased until it's paid for itself. So far there's a lot of interest in it and I think that by summer's end I will have succeeded in doing so. Another invention I came up with is a penis extension device for fishermen. Before you get all excited and start paying more attention to the daily spam in your inbox hoping to see my name attached to a message promising 24 inches instantly, hear me out. It's just a method to enable fishermen to pee in or from a boat...that's all!
That's all I'm going to tell you right now because I wouldn't want you to steal my idea and later post comments on this blog from your mansion in the Mediterraneann somewhere.
The ball has been set in motion...and get used to this image...

huh - what did she peek at? All I know is that this post is about extending one's penis, and that she peeked...
Richard, my blog is my country! I am the ruler and king of this world! Thou shall kiss my ring and stfu!
Off you go, peasant...
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