Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Welcome to the Hotel Northwestern

This evening, I claim my space back.

Over the last 5 days or so, our house has been invaded by little critters and their parents from various parts of the city and province. As most of you know, I'm anal about my kitchen and bathroom and this morning, I kept nodding in despair at the state of our house. Almost every square inch of counter was occupied by dirty dishes or food containers or paper products in the form of newspaper/magazines and bills. There's piles of laundry to be folded, floors to be swept, washed and debabyfoodified. There are toys littered everywhere. There are guest mattresses to be folded and sheets and towels to be washed.

I'm looking for a cleaning person today.

Don't get me wrong. I love having people over, but in a more controlled fashion with breather periods in between to set the stage up for the next group. Now we're looking at quite a few hours to bring things back to normal again. You wouldn't believe the feeling I have when that's accomplished. I stand back, look at the awe-inspiring scene and an immediate blanket of tranquility is spread over my mind. I can actually sit down at the island, spread a newpaper wide open without it covering 2 or 3 glasses, some half eaten toast, a couple of plastic grocery bags, etc.

Then I can relax.

My problem isn't so much the dirt. It's order I'm concerned with. I can deal with a light blanket of dust throughout the house, but I really like knowing where stuff is, especially my stuff. I'm constantly asking Claudette where this or that is, because she does this 'bag and hide' routine when there's too much clutter around the house. Everything is thrown into a bag and hidden somewhere and it's to be dealt with at a later date. The problem is there are a lot of these hidden treasures and most of the time the thing I need now is in one of them.

I'm at a point where I'm starting to panic because I need to catch up big time on some organising. I've got tools in every corner of the house, piles of cd/dvdroms everywhere, my garage is out of control, things need to be fixed and installed, etc. I just don't want things to get out of control like it did at my in-laws' home in Toronto and like it's starting to happen all over again in Aylmer.

My dad and stepmother were very orderly and clean to the point of ridicule at times, but I did, however, retain some values out of this, and the situation as it is now is driving me nuts.

I know I'm a pack rat, I know I'm always buying or selling stuff, I know I like toys. It's a part of who I am and I'm dealing with my demons about this. Time is what's missing to get me back on track. I would need two solid weeks sans famille to organise and sell and throw things out. That won't happen though, so I'll be picking at it slowly over time until the job gets done...

Well, that's my rant of the day. I will have more pleasant thing to write about in the future, I promise! Until then, I hope you enjoyed your stay at Hotel Northwestern. Y'all come back now, ya hear?!


At 4:15 AM, Blogger Mme Siouxie said...

guilty guilty guilty

But think: the mess is all worth it! If you could have heard Simon and Sacha laughing up a storm, you would have nodded beningly, with a winsome smile, at the junkyard that used to be your kitchen...

I thought that, since it was underlined, I could click on the word "today" to read your ad for a cleaner. Alas, I was wrong.

At 4:16 AM, Blogger Mme Siouxie said...

maybe you and Stuart should get married.

At 5:48 PM, Blogger Stuart said...

Alright. I didn't read this whole post because it was too long, but Congrats for your Blog, Alex!

At 11:49 PM, Blogger Kwesi said...

To Stuart:

Duuuude...I made an effort to read your long winded articles and posts in the past...why don't you?


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